The Future IN Gaming!!

HeadTech Games and Gaming Systems
HeadTech has designed and is producing a range of more interactive devices that work together to offer protection against Air Pollution and Pathogens while users are at play and at the same time place them physically within the gaming world.

Known as GETs (Gaming Environment Transmitter system) designed by HeadTech, it is a device that generates a Virtual Reality (VR) game and playing field that users can physically interact with the surroundings, in any indoor or outdoor area, while wearing HeadTech AR/VR Glasses/Goggles.

Transmitters known as VR Gaming Environment Transmitter/Transmitters (VR GETs or simply ‘GETs System’), will be placed by the user/users in, or around, a location such as a field, park, football field, tennis court, carpark, or other areas.

Once placed the GETs System will produce a perimeter, inside that perimeter will be a known playing area that users can move around in while playing wearing their AR/VR Glasses/Goggles. However, the locations are not limited to outdoor areas, indoor areas will work just as well, and it is envisioned that purpose-built buildings (or modified buildings) could be used as the surrounds for creating a VR Gaming Platform, in which a user/users can physically take part.

The server transmitter, known as the GETs Server, can store several games downloaded to it at any one time.  The GETs Server creates the map or layout that users will play and move around on. The size of a map or layout for anyone game will only be limited by signal strength being received by the users’ AR/VR headset. The use of more transmitters or boosters acting like a meshed system (especially indoors) will boost the signal strength of user’s headset.

Note: The gaming layout could be several kilometres in any one direction, while the actual playing field required may only be a fraction of that.  The server will therefore randomly generate the layout to suit the area needed. The GETs Sever will keep track of where the user/users are and update their coordinates in real time.

Indoor Gaming:
The GETs System can be placed or installed within a room, within a floor level of a building and/or at each floor level of a building. In a multi-level building, depending on the game, an elevator may be an elevator between floors of a battleship, building or alien spacecraft, it may also be a portal between floors of different worlds. These are just some of the possibilities.

Man-made structures within each room, floor or level can by uploaded into the GETs System and the server will create an overlay within the game, which the user/users will see as part of the game structure, which will depend on what game is being played.

Escape room type games will be developed, along with mazes. Games where people hunt other players or battle alien life forms. VR Games will be played on and in different atmospheres, battleships, space stations, underground tunnels etc.

Note: The games are only limited to one’s imagination all of which users will be able to move around in and take advantage of the area that they have created to play. To go with the VR GETs System, in development, are vibrating vests that use sound as well as vibrating batteries, leg, and arm bands as well as wrist and forearm devices which interact with the mask/headset/headphone. A hit or strike on a user will result in a massive vibration from the area that’s been attacked as well as a deep sensing sound.

Handheld devices will interact with the smart devices once they are paired and some will be able to act as handheld weapons within the VR environment.

HeadTech Glasses/Goggles:
Designed to work with the GETs System the HeadTech Smart Mask paired with our XR/AR/VR Glasses/Goggles will allow gaming to take on an even more realistic dimension as it takes the user from VR to XR/AR gaming making for the ultimate immersed experience in gaming…. But when a game FEELs this real is it really just gaming or a portal into another universe!

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