Facts, numbers, and the cost.
Air Pollution affects not only asthma suffers but the health and well-being of humanity on a global scale. The World Health Organisation lists Air Pollution as the 4th biggest threat to humanity with over 99% of the world population being affected.
Air Pollution and the effect it has on the world population is staggering, over 11.6% of all global deaths annually are associated with the effects of air pollution which is more than a car and gun-related deaths in the United States of America, and approximately 6% of all outdoor air pollution-related deaths are linked to lung cancer. On a global level, roughly 1 out of every 10 children suffer from asthma. While the aetiology of Asthma is poorly understood and presently there is no cure, it is noted however that as air pollution increases, symptoms of asthma worsen.
In many parts of the world Air Pollution has caused the distance of visibility to be reduced, in some places by over almost 70% and in Beijing, China the Air Pollution is so harmful that many living in Beijing have developed a cough that has now been characterized as a disease called the “Beijing Cough”
In 2013 as Air Pollution was associated with 1 in 10 deaths globally, it was estimated to have cost the global economy 225b USD, this number has risen steadily each year with the EU paying a stagging $170.5b USD for deaths related to Air Pollution 2018. It’s estimated that the US indoor air quality market will reach $12.2b USD by 2023.
If we could prevent harmful environmental effects associated with air pollution, why wouldn’t we?