HeadTech Smart Wearable Technologies.
At the forefront of our vision was to create a device that could help asthma suffers and protect them as much as possible but do this in a fun and futuristic way. During the research period for a device that could offer a solution it was quickly realised that this new type of wearable technology could in fact be the smartest technology in the last decade.
While our focus shifted slightly towards Air Pollutions to tackle the 4th largest threat to humanity the result was the same in producing a smart mask to help protect a user’s respiratory system, the design even went as far as to offer protection while the user consumed food, especially targeting air travel.
The design into the smart mask did not stop there however, as we soon realised that while the user was wearing the smart mask to protect themselves, it offered a platform on which to launch a variety of new technology and has created several new systems which may even do away with the smart phone as we know it.
The HeadTech Smart Mask with onboard virtual eye front and rear cameras capable of 3D 360-degree photos known as PARs (Photo All Round shot), can also scan bar codes, translate written words to audio and was designed to aid and serve the sight impaired.
Pair the HeadTech Smart Mask with our smart glasses or goggles which plug directly into the smart mask’s headset will give insight to what a user would look like in an outfit without even trying it on, game in the next level or carry out work while aided by augmented reality, all while the user remains protected.
While wearable technology is not new it’s up to designers to take the lead and offer users more beneficial devices giving far greater value and usability out of each device that is created. At HeadTech we have embraced this to produce a range of more interactive devices that work together to serve and protect the user while at Work, Rest or Play.
What will you be wearing in the world of futuristic wearable technology??